Activities of Daily Living Cards for Adults — ChildTherapyToys

Activities of Daily Living Cards for Adults

Product Number : 194161800

  • Card game for anyone interested in the topic of daily life skills
  • Each card covers a topic related to daily life activities, such as grooming and appearance, household management, meals and more
  • Perfect for anyone who is interested in the topic of daily life skills
  • 4-14 players

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This card deck is designed for people who want to explore life activities, as well as get support and new ideas about daily life activities. Some of the topics include personal hygiene, grooming and appearance, sleep and rest, care of ourselves and others, financial management, meals, household management, and safety. Players can be anyone who would benefit from exploring or who is interested in the topic of daily life skills. 4-14 players.


Are you a list maker when you shop? If so, how does it work for you? If no - could it?

Identify a way to help manage your time better each day.

Give an example of something that costs money that you want, but do not need. Now, name something you need, opposed to want.

Contents: 72 Cards & Instructions